Online Schooling is the way of the world now. We have some of the best classroom settings you will ever see. The teacher gets to choose where to have class for the day. Wherever you choose, it could be the boring office, the dining room, the lake, the beach, the mountains, the park, or even the top of Mount Everest. As long as you have good, reliable Internet.


Let’s start with no more morning commutes to the school building. We have an awesome pay scale, and we like to think that the pay here is amazing. At Brainfood Academy, we are going back to the basics. Where 2+2=4, no matter how you write it, history is actual history. Above all the kids are in an environment where they feel relaxed and can learn more. The students can climb up the ladder of knowledge with the help they need, whether it be extra study time at home or tutoring after school. On the other hand, Tutors Make a fantastic income with our program.

At Brainfood Academy, you will save money because we don’t charge parents for their accounts. In addition, we also offer free kindergarten. However, with your free parent account, you can get access to all the information you need to answer the majority of your questions. So, why not just go have a look at what we have to offer? The majority of you will be surprised at all the different things you find out about our online school. I am excited for our school to fill up with students who are eager to learn all the different subjects we have to offer.


The more the world leans towards technology, the more brick-and-mortar places are going to disappear. Because technology is what is running a lot of things in our world today. Before it is all said and done, you will never have to leave your home for anything. The majority of the jobs in the world will be done at home. Most of our shopping will be done on the Internet.

We can all help make this a better place with the “Pay It Forward” gesture. We will teach you how. CONTACT US