Inpersona and Helo

With the Inpersona App and Helo Health Devices, we are equipped for Self-Sovereign Health Data and empowered to forge a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Inpersona and Helo

To start, download the Inpersona App for free from either the Apple iStore or Google Play Store:

Inpersona and Helo

Secondly, now that you have the app, create a new account after running or opening the application.

Create your account. At this stage, you’ll need an “INVITE CODE,” which can be provided by us or anyone already connected to the Inpersona App:

Retrieve your invite code:

Inpersona and Helo

Thirdly, it’s time to establish your Crypto Wallet within the Inpersona App

You have three options for setting up your wallet.

Select OPTION 1: Set up your new wallet; this is the recommended choice.

When examining the NFT and comprehending its functions, the higher the NFT Level, the more mining involved, resulting in greater potential gains through this process.

After you have successfully completed the NFT purchase:

As a Result of this Code, save 10% on your Helo Device

Then its wear and earn. And as you can, Share this process with others, using your Invite Codes from your Hub Consoles as part of the NFT Process.

Here are some key things that become better with the Inpersona App and Helo Devices:

  • We can see how a glass a day of Premium Fine Wine (Red for instance) helps our Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Energy and Stress. How? Because we can see real results after 1 glass a night over a months time. We can chart it! See it. And Benefit from it. Though make sure you are drinking a true fine wine. We only drink Wines From Here.
  • When it comes to our health and the consumption of vitamins and nutritional products, we can observe the immediate and long-term changes in our vital indicators. While the benefits may include weight loss, it’s equally valuable to track how our vitals improve over time with the consistent use of these bio-hacking products. We highly recommend incorporating these bio-hacking products for a better life!

We can all help make this a better place with the “Pay It Forward” gesture. Contact Us and we will teach you how. CONTACT US